A Place to Call Home

A Place to Call Home

Oasis House is designed to provide a serene and secure environment for our residents. Our commitment to offering the highest standard of transitional housing starts with our thoughtfully chosen location. Nestled in a peaceful Baton Rouge neighborhood, Oasis House provides a sense of tranquility that fosters healing and rejuvenation.

Our single-family residences, strategically located with ample parking, offer more than just shelter; they offer a place to call home. We understand the importance of a comfortable living space during challenging times. Essential amenities such as fully furnished living spaces, internet connectivity, utilities, and convenient in-house laundry facilities. Oasis House is not just about providing housing; it's about creating an environment where individuals can rebuild their lives with dignity and self-respect.

Oasis House believes that everyone deserves a chance at a fresh start, and our properties are the canvas upon which we paint the picture of hope and transformation. Experience the peace and possibility that our properties offer as you embark on your journey to renewal. Discover how Oasis House can provide the supportive and secure environment you need to take the next step toward a brighter future.